The Monbulk Marlins Coaching Philosophy

As a coach I aim to encompass a holistic approach to coaching. There are a variety of elements that are important for coaching, from long term technique and stroke development, to individualised emotional growth. At the Marlins, the coaching team and I follow season plans that not only cater for the whole squad, but also cater for each swimmer at an individual level. Through this, the swimmers are provided with the opportunity to gain support from their coaches and have the chance to improve.

The coaching team works as one, utilising our individualised strengths to assist the swimmers to the best of our abilities. Communication between each other and self-reflection is vital to ensure all Marlins’ swimmers are provided with the best level of coaching that we can provide.

Every swimmer and every coach at the Marlins have a role and an individualised pathway for their own goals and journey. Not one swimmer’s journey compared to another is less important, so that is why at the Marlins, as a coach I aim to encompass a well-rounded environment for all, for everyone to achieve their goals and follow the pathway they desire.

Ebony Huidobro
Head Coach